Main content

From this document you will learn how and on what basis we process your personal data in connection with Commerce Transformation Days (hereinafter “CTD”). 

You will learn, among other things: 

  • Why we may process your data 
  • For what purpose we process it 
  • Whether you are required to provide us with your data 
  • How long we keep it 
  • Whether there are any other recipients of your personal data 
  • Whether we process your data outside the European Economic Area 
  • Whether we process your data by automated means, including profiling 

The first part of the Privacy Policy contains general information about data processing that applies to you, regardless of the role in which you participate in the CTD. 

The second part contains information for a Speaker, Buyer, Partner or Participant when, in the relevant role, you enter into a contract with us or when a contract is entered into for your benefit, the subject of which is participation in CTD.  

The third part contains information for you when you voluntarily consent to marketing communications. 

The fourth part contains information about the rules for processing the images of people participating in CTD. 

Part I. General information

Contact details of the administrator of your personal data

The administrator of your personal data is us, that is Unity S.A. with the registered office in Wrocław, 2-4 Strzegomska Street, entered in the register of entrepreneurs under the number KRS: 0000004330. 

Personal Data Protection Inspector

To ensure high security standards, we have appointed a Data Protection Officer with whom you can contact in all matters concerning the processing of your personal data, writing to the following e-mail address: [email protected] 

Where do we get your personal information from?

The personal data of the Speaker, Buyer and/or Partner comes directly from you. You give it to us when registering to participate in CTD in a given capacity. 

We receive the personal data of participant from your employer or co-worker who enrolls you to CTD. 

What rights do you have in relation to the processing of personal data?

Below we present your rights related to data protection and the fact that we process your data. The rights you have in a specific situation depend on the purpose for which and the basis on which we process your personal data. 

Right of access

You have the right to obtain information regarding the personal data we hold about you. By submitting a request for access to your data, you will receive information about the processing of your personal data, including, in particular, the purposes and legal basis of the processing, the scope of the data held, the entities to which the personal data is disclosed and the scheduled deletion date. 

Right to rectification

You have the right to promptly rectify and/or supplement the personal data held about you. It is our duty to ensure that our mutual communication is based on data that is true, complete and up-to-date. 

Right to restrict processing

You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data if you dispute the accuracy of the data held about you, if the processing is carried out without a legal basis or if you have presented your objection to the processing. 

Right to erasure

You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data held by us, unless maintaining the data is necessary to ensure freedom of expression, freedom of access to information, to comply with a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest, to make or defend against claims or to assert rights under the law. 

Right to information

If you have notified your right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, we will notify all recipients of your personal data of how to rectify, erase or impose restrictions on the processing of that data, unless this is impossible to carry out or involves a disproportionate effort. 

Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain a copy of the data you have provided to us, which will be sent to you or a third party in a structured, standard, machine-readable format. If you request that this data be sent to another controller, this will be done as long as it is technically possible. This right only applies if we process your data on the basis of your consent or in connection with the performance of a contract. 

Right to object

If your personal data is processed on the basis of our legitimate legal interest, you have the right to object at any time to further processing. We will consider your request in accordance with the rules under the legislation. 

Right to withdraw consent

If your data is processed on the basis of consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, with future effect. This will not affect the legality of the data processed to date. 

Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

If the processing of your personal data violates data protection regulations or if your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority. The supervisory authority competent on the territory of Poland is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection in Warsaw (ul. Stawki 2). Before you exercise your right to lodge a complaint, we encourage you to contact us first so that we can clarify any doubts with you. 

Processing of the application

If you make a request to us to exercise a particular right, we will respond to your request within one month of receiving it. If we need to extend this period, we will inform you of the reasons for the extension. The response to your request will be provided to the e-mail address from which you send the request or, in the case of requests sent by letter, by ordinary mail to the address indicated by you, unless the content of the letter indicates that you wish to receive feedback to the e-mail address (in which case you must provide the e-mail address). 

You may exercise the above rights by contacting the Data Protection Officer at the following address: [email protected]. 

Part II. Data processing – participation in CTD

The following rules of personal data processing apply to you if you, as a Partner, Buyer or Speaker, enter into a contract with us whose rights and obligations are determined by the nature of our cooperation resulting from the role in which you will participate in CTD.  

The following rules shall also apply to you as a Participant, when you are nominated in such a role by your employer or co-worker, which in practice means concluding a contract on your behalf, the subject of which is participation in CTD. 

For what purpose do we process your data?

We process your personal data to perform the contract entered into with or for you to participate in CTD, to respond to your questions or complaints about CTD, and to provide you with the technical opportunity to participate in CTD.  

We process your personal data as a Speaker in order to select knowledgeable and skilled individuals to perform at CTD in the designated role. 

On what legal basis do we process your data?

The legal basis for processing your personal data is: 

  • The contract concluded by you or on your behalf, the subject of which is the participation in CTD or taking actions necessary to conclude it 
  • Our legitimate interest – in terms of protection against possible claims, investigation of possible claims, making the Participants’ data available to the Partners 
  • Your consent as a Participant to the transfer of your personal contact information to the Partners for marketing purposes. 

How long do we process your data?

We will process your personal data for the time necessary for the performance of the contract and thereafter for the period of limitation of potential claims under generally applicable law. 

If you apply to us to become a Speaker and you are not ultimately selected as a Speaker, we will process your data no longer than until the originally planned date of the CTD organization.  

Who is the recipient of your personal data?

The recipient of your personal data, i.e. the external entity that will be involved in the processing of your data, will be our trusted subcontractors – IT service providers for data hosting and business mail services. 

A recipient of your personal data can also be other Unity Group entities, i.e. Unity Systems sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Wrocław at 2-4 Strzegomska St., entered into the register of entrepreneurs under the KRS number: 0000262592 and Unity International sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Wrocław at 2-4 Strzegomska St., entered into the register of entrepreneurs under the KRS number: 0000356947, which can take place in order to optimize business and organizational activities related to the preparation and conduct of CTD. 

The recipient of your personal data is the payment service provider as defined by the Payment Service Act dated August 19th, 2011, PayU Spółka Akcyjna with the seat in Poznan, 182 Grunwaldzka Street, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs under the KRS number 0000274399, which participates in the process of finalizing the purchase transaction of Tickets. 

Another administrator who will participate in the process of processing your personal data will be MEETING APPLICATION spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered seat in WROCŁAWIU, ul. św. Antoniego 15, 50-073 Wrocław, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs under the KRS number 0000433314. MEETING APPLICATION is the owner of the service that enables you to buy Tickets, create an Account, participate in the online CTD through the created Account and chat during CTD. MEETING APPLICATION processes your personal data in accordance with the rules specified in the Ticket Sale Regulations and Privacy Policy available here. Your acceptance of the above rules takes place in the process of buying a Ticket and creating an Account. 

CTD Partners, co-creators of the event, will be the recipients of your personal data as a Participant who voluntarily agrees to provide basic contact details to Partners for the purpose of marketing. 

If you, as a Participant, do not give your consent to sharing your contact data with the Partners, the CTD Partners will only receive statistical information about the Participants, such as the name of the company registering the Participant and the position held. 

Scope and nature of data provision

The scope of the data provided is determined by your role in CTD – it is different in case of the Speaker, Partner, Buyer and Participant and is adjusted to the needs resulting from the role. 

Providing data is voluntary. However, failure to provide basic data indicated in relevant registration forms, in particular such as: name, surname, telephone number and e-mail, will prevent us from concluding a contract and its proper performance, hence providing such data is a condition for conclusion of a contract. 

Other relevant information

Your data will not be subject to automated processing or profiling. Your data will not be processed by us outside the European Economic Area. However, please be aware that when you buy a Ticket through the MEET APPLICATION service, the controller of your personal data becomes another entity, which independently determines the principles of data processing, including the entities with which it cooperates and the place of data processing. You can get acquainted with them here 

What rights do you have?

Your rights are indicated in Section I of this Privacy Policy.

Part III. Processing of personal data for marketing purposes

Below we set out the principles for processing your personal data that apply when you voluntarily consent to us communicating with you for marketing purposes. 

For what purpose do we process your data?

We process your personal data in order to provide you with marketing information concerning the services provided by us, information on new products, promotions and offers which may be of interest to you. 

On what legal basis do we process your data?

The legal basis for processing your personal data is: 

 Your consent expressed by ticking the voluntary checkbox, next to which there is a relevant statement. 

How long do we process your data?

We will process your data for the duration of the validity of your consent until you withdraw it. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the processing that has taken place so far.  

Who is the recipient of your personal data?

The recipient of your personal data, i.e. the external entity that may participate in the processing of your data, will be our trusted subcontractors – IT service providers, including Freshmail sp. z o.o., whose communication tool we use. 

A recipient of your personal data can also be other Unity Group entities, i.e. Unity Systems sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Wrocław at 2-4 Strzegomska St., entered into the register of entrepreneurs under the KRS number: 0000262592 and Unity International sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Wrocław at 2-4 Strzegomska St., entered into the register of entrepreneurs under the KRS number: 0000356947, which can take place in order to optimize business and organizational activities related to the preparation and conduct of CTD and marketing activities. 

Nature of providing data

Providing your data is voluntary but necessary to receive marketing and promotional information.  

Other relevant information

Your data will not be subject to automated processing or profiling. Your data will not be processed outside the European Economic Area.  

What rights do you have?

Your rights are indicated in Part I of this Privacy Policy. 

Part IV. Processing of the image of persons participating in CTD

Below we set out to you the rules for processing personal data in the form of an image, which apply when you enter into an agreement with us to participate in CTD. 

For what purpose do we process your data?

We process your personal data as a Speaker in the form of an image for the purpose of promoting CTD, and then for organizing and properly carrying out CTD, its transmission, making a recording and photographic documentation, as well as for documentation and marketing purposes.  

We process your personal data as a Participant taking part in the CTD stationary in the form of image for the purpose of transmission of CTD, recording of the event or making photo documentation, and then using the recordings and photos for documentation and marketing purposes.  

On what legal basis do we process your data?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in the form of image is the legitimate interest of the administrator, consisting in the promotion of upcoming and future events and providing participants with post-conference materials.  

How long do we process your data?

We will process your data for a period of one year after the event. 

Who is the recipient of your personal data?

The recipient of your personal data, i.e. the external entity that will be able to participate in the processing of your data, will be our trusted subcontractors – IT service providers. 

The recipients of your personal data can also be other Unity Group entities, i.e. Unity Systems sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław at 2-4 Strzegomska St., entered into the register of entrepreneurs under the KRS number: 0000262592 and Unity International sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław at 2-4 Strzegomska St., entered into the register of entrepreneurs under the KRS number: 0000356947, which can take place in order to optimize business and organizational activities related to the preparation and conduct of CTD and marketing activities. 

Nature of providing data

Providing your data is voluntary but necessary for stationary participation in CTD. If you do not want your image to be processed in the described manner, we encourage you to participate in the event in the online formula, where your image will not be recorded, unless you participate using a camera. 

Other relevant information

Your data will not be subject to automated processing or profiling. Your data will not be processed outside the European Economic Area.  

What rights do you have?

Your rights are indicated in Part I of this Privacy Policy. 

What are cookies and similar technologies?

A cookie is a text file stored by a web server on your computer or mobile device. Its content can only be retrieved and read by the server that created the file. Cookies are unique to the browser or mobile application you are using. The contents of a cookie often consist of identifiers, website names, and sequences of numbers and letters.  

Strictly necessary cookies

What are essential cookies and can you refuse them?

These cookies are essential to the operation of the site and cannot be disabled without affecting your use of this site. These cookies are usually only placed in response to specific actions you take on the site. We use these cookies because we believe that it is in our and our users’ legitimate interests to enable this website to function properly.   

Why do we use essential cookies?

We typically use these cookies to perform a specific function of the site, such as remembering your acceptance of the contents of the Privacy Policy.  

What data is collected and used by essential cookies?

Essential cookies do not collect or use personal information.   

How long do we keep this data?

Essential cookies are typically session cookies that only store data for the duration of your visit to the site, but if the cookie supports the function of remembering your acceptance of the Privacy Policy, the data is stored longer to remember you on subsequent visits.  

Other cookies

We also use advertising and analytical cookies to help us improve the effectiveness of our marketing and the attractiveness of the conference.  

How can I change my cookie settings?

You can learn more about how to manage cookies in each browser here: 

Analytical and marketing tools we use

Google Analytics and Tag Manager

We use Google tools – Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager – provided by Google Ireland Limited, a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Ireland, with its registered office at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.  

You can prevent the data collected by the cookies about your use of our website from being recorded by Google, as well as the processing of this data by Google, by installing the browser plug-in found here 

If you are interested in the details related to the processing of data within Google Analytics, we encourage you to read the explanations prepared by Google.

Google Tag Manager is a tool that allows us to control code fragments and tags placed on our website. Tags – fragments of page code – allow us to perform various actions, including tracking user activity on the site, such as time spent on the site or scrolling through the site. Thanks to Google Tag Manager, we don’t have to add each tag to the source code of a page, which, especially with a large number of tags, may cause some problems. 

If you are interested in the details related to data processing within Google Tag Manager, we encourage you to read the explanations prepared by Google. 

The above tools allow us to collect statistical information about your use of our site, such as IP address, device type and browser type. We do this in order to know, among other things, the number of users accessing our site. This information is only processed in a way that does not allow us to directly identify anyone. 

Facebook Pixel

We use marketing tools available on Facebook and provided by Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square,Dublin 2, Dublin. We use these tools to target advertising to you on Facebook.  

In order to target ads personalized to your behavior on our website, we have implemented the Facebook Pixel on our website, which automatically collects information about your use of our website in terms of the pages you view. 

The information collected by Facebook Pixel is anonymous, i.e. it does not allow us to identify you personally. We only know what actions the user has taken within our site.  

Please note that Facebook may combine this information with other information about you collected through your use of Facebook and use it for its own purposes, including marketing. Such actions by Facebook are no longer up to us, and you can look for information about them directly in Facebook’s privacy policy. You may also manage your privacy settings from within your Facebook account. 

Linkedin Pixel

We use marketing tools available on Linkedin and provided by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. The LinkedIn pixel is a JavaScript code that collects data from the website. As a result, it enables you to gain knowledge about your audience and plan your next actions more precisely. 

The LinkedIn pixel enables you to segment your target users and determine where visitors are coming from, allowing teams to see how many clicks and referrals are coming from LinkedIn and how many are significant from the Web.